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社保代缴是社保代理服务的主要内容,社保代理是劳动保障事务代理中的一种代理方式,按照有关人事政策法规要求,接收单位或个人委托,在其服务项目范围内,为个人或单位缴纳养老保险、生育保险、医 疗保险、失业保险及工伤保险等社会保险的费用。
Social security agency is the main content of social security agency services. Social security agency is an agency way in labor security affairs. According to the requirements of relevant national personnel policies and regulations, it receives the entrustment of units or individuals, and pays social insurance fees such as endowment insurance, maternity insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance for individuals or units within the scope of its service items.
The value of Jinan social security payment company is to let experienced people do experienced things. In today's rapid development, it provides us with more life security, and also makes us more calm and confident about the future.
What kinds of social security payment can be divided into?
Social security payment can be divided into two categories, enterprise and individual
1. Benefits of social security payment on behalf of enterprises?
① Reduce duplication of work in HR department. Employees' social security is declared by human resources department every month. In fact, the process from statistics to declaration is very complicated. Enterprises can reduce a lot of basic and heavy work for the human resources department through the service of the third-party social security payment company.
② Reduce the non core business expenditure of enterprises. Presumably we all know that the salary of human resources recruited by enterprises is not low. If enterprises choose to pay social security on behalf of employees, it can effectively reduce the non core business expenses of enterprises.
③ It can reduce the risk of employment. If the human resources of enterprises do not deal with the social security problems well, it is easy to have legal risks. If through the third-party social security payment company, it can solve the risk of human resources in the process of social security payment, and correct the mistakes in personnel management expenditure in time.
2. Benefits of social security payment on behalf of individuals?
(1) The extension of their own security will not be cut off. Many of the insurance in social security can only get benefits after they have paid for a certain period of time.
(2) Some areas in the non registered permanent residence to pay social security to a certain number of years can be settled in the payment, buy a house, buy a car.
(3) The payment of social security can provide for the elderly, provide medical care for the sick, help the poor and supplement the education.