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Endowment  insurance has always been the focus of attention, because it is related to the interests  of most people and the guarantee of our elderly life.
规定养老保险必须缴满十五年,才可 以享受到养老待遇,按月领取养老保险金。
The state stipulates that old-age insurance must be  paid for 15 years before you can enjoy old-age benefits and receive old-age insurance  benefits on a monthly basis.
如果已经缴满十五年了,退休后可以领取养老金了,还需要继续缴纳 吗?
If you have paid for 15 years, you can get a pension after retirement. Do you still  need to continue to pay?
《社会保险法》第十六条规定:“参加基本养老保险的个人,达到法定退 休年龄时累计缴费满十五年的,按月领取基本养老金。”
Article 16 of the social insurance law  stipulates: "individuals who participate in basic old-age insurance who have paid for 15  years when they reach the legal retirement age shall receive basic old-age pension on a  monthly basis."
十五年只是缴纳养老保险的年限,缴纳养老保险未满十五年,不能领取养老金, 缴满十五年,才能享受到养老保险的待遇。
Fifteen years is only the minimum number of years  to pay endowment insurance. If you have not paid endowment insurance for 15 years, you  can't receive pension. Only after paying endowment insurance for 15 years can you enjoy  the treatment of endowment insurance.
Whether  the payment must continue after 15 years depends on the situation.
1.如果你是自己个人缴纳 的养老保险,可以自愿选择是否继续缴纳养老保险。
1. If you pay your own endowment insurance,  you can voluntarily choose whether to continue to pay your endowment insurance.
2. 如果你 是单位在职职工,根据《社会保险法》第十条规定:“职工应当参加基本养老保险,由用人单位和职 工共同缴纳基本养老保险费。”缴纳社保是法定义务,即使在退休前已经缴满十五年,还得继续缴费 ,直职工退休。
2. If you are an on-the-job employee of the unit, according to Article 10  of the social insurance law: "employees shall participate in the basic old-age insurance,  and the employer and employees shall jointly pay the basic old-age insurance premium."  Paying social security is a legal obligation. Even if it has been paid for 15 years  before retirement, it must continue to pay until the employee retires.
缴满15年后继续缴或 停缴哪种更好?
Which is better to continue or stop paying after 15 years?
肯定是继续缴纳好 !养老金主要受到参保年限(含视同缴费年限)、每月缴费基数以及退休时本市上年度在岗职工月平 均工资等因素影响,并与之成正相关!
It must be good to continue to pay! The pension is  mainly affected by the insured years (including the deemed payment years), the monthly  payment base and the monthly average salary of on-the-job employees in the city in the  previous year at the time of retirement, and is positively correlated with it!
简单来说, 就是缴费基数越高、年限越长,退休时本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资越高退休时领取的养老金就越 高!
To put it simply, the higher the payment base and the longer the service life, the  higher the average monthly salary of the on-the-job employees in the city in the previous  year when they retire, and the higher the pension they receive when they retire!