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劳务差遣对促 进差遣职工作业、进步差遣职工的职业技能和执业能力、保证差遣职工的合法权益、差遣职工的后顾之虑等发挥了非常重要的作用,首要体现在以下几个方面:
Labor dispatch plays a very important role in promoting the operation of dispatched workers, improving the professional skills and professional ability of dispatched workers, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of dispatched workers and solving the worries of dispatched workers, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
1. The establishment of a new working relationship will help to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of dispatched workers; Make full use of the operation channels and resource advantages of the labor department to provide more operation opportunities and broader career choices for dispatched workers; Pay attention to the education and training of dispatched workers, effectively improve the professional quality and skills of dispatched workers, and improve their career choice ability.
2、劳务差遣不仅保证了差遣职工的工资收入水平,而且还能够使用内部的岗位空间和岗位调整,进步差遣职工的工资收入;可节约用工单位招聘职工的各项费用,如场地租用费、广 告费等;同时也避免用工单位自行招进不符合要求人员造成的损失和处理的麻烦。
2. Labor dispatch not only ensures the wage income level of dispatched workers, but also can use the internal post space and post adjustment to improve the wage income of dispatched workers; It can save the costs of recruiting employees, such as site rent, advertising, etc; At the same time, it also avoids the loss and handling trouble caused by the employing unit recruiting unqualified personnel by itself.
3、实施劳务差遣能够节约用工单位劳作力;用工单位可根据出产经营需求,随时要求差遣安排增减派员,有利于用工单位用人的灵活 性;也可使用工单位从繁杂的劳作保证业务中摆脱出来,有利于用工单位集中精力抓好出产经营。
3. The implementation of labor dispatch can save the labor force of the employing unit; The employing unit can request the dispatch arrangement at any time according to the production and operation needs, which is conducive to the flexibility of the employing unit; You can also use the employer to get rid of the complicated labor guarantee business, which is conducive to the employer to focus on production and management.
On the whole, the advantages of labor dispatch are to simplify management procedures, reduce labor disputes, share risks and responsibilities, reduce costs, employ independently and flexibly, and standardize employment behavior.