新闻公告 行业信息 政策解读
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The basic pension insurance relationship is not located in the registered residence, and where the basic pension insurance relationship has accumulated 10 years' payment, the treatment process should be processed and the basic old-age insurance benefits will be enjoyed.
(2) the basic pension insurance relationship is not located in the place where the registered residence is located. If the accumulated age of the basic pension insurance is less than 10 years, the basic pension insurance relationship will be transferred back to the original place where the insurance premium is for 10 years.
Registered residence of 3 registered permanent residence is not located in the place where the household registration is located. If the accumulated payment period of each insured area is less than 10 years, the basic pension insurance relationship and corresponding funds will be collected to the registered residence. The registered residence will be treated according to the regulations and enjoy the basic old-age insurance benefits.
Let's know how to get the pension after retirement
The old-age insurance has nothing to do with the relocation of workers' registered permanent residence, and has been adjusted over the years. The original social security is still adjusted according to local regulations.
The minimum payment period of social security is 15 years. There are two ways to reach the retirement age
(1) it is never mind to pay where the pension insurance is. In the future, when retirement is available, it can move back to registered residence to apply for retirement procedures and enjoy the retirement treatment of residents in household registration.
(2) You can apply for retirement procedures at the place where the endowment insurance is insured and paid. It doesn't matter where your registered permanent residence is. As long as you have paid for 10 years in the insured place and reach the minimum payment period stipulated by social security, when you reach the retirement age, you can apply for going through retirement procedures in the insured place and enjoy the retirement treatment of residents in the insured place.
What are the pension standards
(1) Urban and rural residents who have reached the age of 60 at the time of implementation of this policy and do not enjoy retirement (resignation) and various benefits specified in the municipal measures for basic old-age security can receive basic old-age pension on a monthly basis without payment.
(2) If the policy is implemented less than 15 years from the receiving age, the pension insurance shall be paid annually.
(3) If the policy is implemented more than 15 years from the receiving age, the cumulative payment period shall not be less than 15 years.